Thursday, December 18, 2008

Annual General Meeting

The AGM was held at the BCS office in Cairns on the 17th December 2008. It was quite well attended. Most committee members were in attendance, and a number of observers.
The Chairman's Report was tabled and Richard outlined savings made by volunteers (including himself as the main contributor) of more than $30,000 - great work.

The Agenda also included a swag of, in my opinion, mostly nonsensical or well intentioned but misguided motions by the serial complainants. Most were either ruled out of order or defeated by the voting. An exception, which goes to illustrate how ridiculous some of the motions were, was that BCS should inform the Committee members that they are to follow the BC Act. To quote a TV add "way to go Captain Obvious".

The discussion was lively including an attempt to gag this Blog by a person who has no compunction in sending spurious letters of complaint to the Committee, but obviously doesn't like to be on the receiving end himself. As Richard said after his address "get a life". If this pompous individual does not agree with what I write, he is perfectly entitled to express his opinions on this Blog, or create his own.

The culmination of the meeting had the classic situation where there was one position vacant on the committee and nominations were called for from the floor. The response was deafening it its silence. The serial complainants were mute. None were prepared to stand - it is obviously more attractive to them to throw rocks at the Committee's efforts from the side, than to get involved and actually contribute.

A community like ours needs people who are prepared to do the work, not individuals who pontificate from the side about corporate governance and itty-bittty procedural nonsense rather than getting out and volunteering to do some work for the good of the community. The fact that the committee meetings may not run like a large public corporation boardroom meeting is no measure of the effectiveness of the committee. It is the work that is done by the committee members that counts.

A message to the serial complainants - do some work for the good of the community - complaining from the side and demanding action achieves nothing.